Friday, September 27
Read Job 21
Think About It:
- Job wanted his friends to listen and be reasonable. See Matthew 5:45. Both the wicked and the good perish, so their arguments of only the wicked suffering judgment proved nothing. Do we trust God to judge the wicked and the good? Or do we attempt to make that call?
- In his suffering, Job refused to disrespect God. He wasn’t angry because of what the wicked seemed to have and do…without any regard for God. How could he do this? (Verse 30)
Family Time:
- Job’s friends said that the wicked suffer. What else did Job say happens to the wicked? (Verses 7-13)
- Good and bad things can happen to both good and bad people. Job’s friends said only bad things happen to bad people. What does Job say to his friends in verse 34?
- Have you ever seen a bad person get good things?
- What about a good person get bad things?