Wednesday, September 25
Read Job 19
Think About It:
- Job responds to Bildad’s accusations in Chapter 19. Job has cried out to God…and God has not replied. Have you ever felt this way?
- Job is in deep despair…more than he can bear. Yet, after asking his friends to have pity on him, Job’s mustard seed faith rises up in him as he says, “For I know that my Redeemer lives…” What is a Redeemer? Who is your Redeemer?
Family Time:
- How does Job feel about the things his ‘friends’ are saying? (Verses 1-5 and 21-22)
- Who does Job say is causing his trouble? (Verses 6-20)
- Job knows he has done nothing wrong. Job is aware that all these things are in God’s hands. How does he feel about God? (Verses 25-27)