Saturday, September 21
Read Job 16
Think About It:
- Job confirms that the words from his friends are no help to him. He does not understand why these things have happened to him any more than his friends do, but he knows his heart is right and he continues to trust God. When we go through difficult times, it is tempting to find comfort in friends, but looking at Jesus in Gethsemane (Mark 14:32-36), we have an example to follow: 1. Pray (verse 32), 2. Select your closest friends wisely (verse 33), 3. Go forward a little (verse 35), and 4. Pray again (verse 36).
- When things make no sense, God understands. Trust Him. Talk to Him. Listen for His voice in prayer and in reading the Bible. He alone is faithful and all-knowing. Nothing is too difficult for Him. He wants to communicate with us when we set aside time to be in His presence. Think of a way to prioritize more time quietly talking to and listening to God each day and openly, honestly share your heart. Think of keeping a journal for the answers to prayers so you can encourage yourself in the future as you remember His faithfulness through tough times.
Family Time:
- In verse 2, what did Job call his three friends?
- Job’s reply to his friends was to be a better comforter in verse 6. How do you comfort someone in pain; show compassion or criticize?
- The best comforters are those who know something about personal suffering.