Wednesday, September 18
Read Job 13
Think About It:
- After Job had listened to his friends, he could have responded by paraphrasing Proverbs 17:28, “Stop talking—show you have some sense.” Verse 15 sums up how Job feels. Regardless of the outcome, he will maintain his integrity and his innocence before God. When we go through testing, who do we trust to know the why? Our friends or God?
- In verse 20, Job asked two things of God. What were they? (Verse 21)
- Job was so confident in his innocence, that he was willing to risk his life by letting God be the judge? (Verse 23) Can we be as confident?
Family Time:
- Who did Job appeal to give him answers?
- Many of the ideas of the three friends were true, but they didn’t apply to Job’s situation. They took a true principle and applied it wrong. We must be careful and compassionate. Are you slow to judge?
- “Though He slay me, yet I _________________ Him.” (Verse 15)