Monday, September 16
Read Job 11
Think About It:
- Job’s friends stayed with Job for seven days in silence. Not until Job’s agonizing discourse in chapter 3, did they start to respond to Job. Zophar’s response to Job was probably the most arrogant and confrontational of the friends. Put yourself in the situation as the three friends…witness to the tragedy that is befalling Job, hearing Job’s response to the tragedy, and Job holding fast to his innocence, refusing to hear the wisdom of his friends…how would you respond to Job?
- Job did not know what was happening in the heavens, neither did his friends. Is it the human condition to try and figure out the ways of God? What do you do when you don’t understand what is happening in your life?
- Zophar really thought he was helping Job by saying what he did. Unfortunately, his words of encouragement were not helpful. Have you ever responded to someone’s dismay in this manner? Has this book changed your thinking about the ways of God and/or how to respond to others that are experiencing tragedy?
Family Time:
Memory Verse: Job 11:18
- Who was Zophar?
- Zophar thought Job was suffering because of sin, like his two other friends. Was Zophar right or wrong?
- We need to be careful when we give advice using our own wisdom and not God’s wisdom.