Wednesday, September 4
Read Job 1
Think About It:
- Is everyone who suffers guilty of some kind of sin?
- Why did God release Job out from under the hedge (verse 10) to be tried by Satan?
- How secure is your walk with the Lord? If all was taken from you – money, children, health – would you still say, “God is good”?
Family Time:
- As you start the book of Job, consider it in light of James 5:11, “Indeed we count them blessed who endure. You have heard of the perseverance of Job and seen the end intended by the Lord – that the Lord is very compassionate and merciful.”
- Understand the definition of a revelation from God – when God shows you something you didn’t understand before. Be thinking… what does God want to reveal to Job (and us)?
- In this chapter, how does God describe Job in verse 8?
- At the very beginning of this chapter does Job have many hardships?
- Who started the conversation between God and Satan (who spoke first)?
- Do you think God knew Satan would challenge Job? (Hint: Does God know everything?)
- In Revelation Chapters 2 & 3, there are seven promises to “he who overcomes…”. Can you find these seven promises of overcoming Satan’s challenges? (There is one at the end of each message to the seven churches). What does this say about the importance of overcoming?
- Which is more valuable, tested faith or untested faith? (See 1 Peter 1:7)
- Read Job 1:22. Briefly skip ahead and compare this to Job 42:5-6 at the end of the book. According to Romans 2:4, it is the goodness of God that leads us to repentance. Job is going to learn some really cool things about the person of God in this book, so don’t let what seems “unfair” rob you of knowing Him more.