Saturday, August 31
Read Esther 8
Think About It:
Haman was dead, but his murderous edict was still very much alive. Long after wicked people are gone, the consequences of their evil words and deeds live on.
According to the ancient historians, whenever a traitor was executed, the throne appropriated his property. King Ahasuerus chose to give Haman’s estate to Esther. More than an act of generosity, this gift was probably the King’s way of atoning for his foolish decisions that had brought so much pain to Esther and her people – God’s chosen people. Esther petitioned for the lives of her people to the King to stop the wicked plan of Haman. The King could not change his decree, but they were given the full authority to do whatever was needed to protect and favor the Jews. The King then gave Mordecai the office of Prime Minister. Mordecai was dressed as a man of great authority along with the King’s signet ring.
The new decree by Esther and Mordechai was written and issued to the 127 providences and their languages to do whatever it takes to protect yourself from any attack against you and then you may loot your transgressors. This decree was issued with haste – with the seal of the King. Haman’s decree went out on April 17. June 25, Mordechai’s new decree went out that gave the Jews in each of the 127 providences – all over the empire, about eight months to get ready.
But what the enemy chooses for evil, the Lord turns to good!!!!
- Think about at least three times in your life someone planned something evil for you, your family or friends and the Lord turned it to good. WAY better than you ever could have imagined it!
Family Time:
- In those days once the king had given a command, he could not take it back. So the king gave Mordecai a place of authority and told him to give a new command. What did this new law say? (verses 11-12)
- Tell how Mordecai was now dressed. (verse 15)
- In verse 17 we see that the Jews are safe and rejoicing. Think of how God saved them by using Esther and Mordecai. What they had done took much courage, boldness, humility, and faith in the Lord. What do you think would have happened if Esther had acted in fear instead of faith and not stood up for the sake of her people?
*Pray that God will give us courage to always do what is right at all times…even if it costs us our lives.
“Go gather all the Jews who are present in Shushan, and fast for me: neither eat nor drink for three days, night or day. My maids and I will fast likewise. And so I will go to the king, which is against the law, and if I perish, I perish!” (Esther 4:16)