Thursday, August 29
Read Esther 6
Think About It:
We rarely see them ahead of time, but the plans of God are always at work. Consider this…king can’t sleep, reading of his chronicles, Mordecia’s name comes up, Mordecai never honored for his deed…”just then” Haman shows up, how do we honor?, pride steps in and Haman describes how he would like to be honored, forced to honor his personal enemy…the Jew Mordecai. Haman’s wife understands that “if Mordecia is of Jewish descent, you will fall before him.”
- Even in our own personal darkest hours, God is at work. Take time to think back over your life. The people God has brought into it, the way you met them, your occupation…how did it happen, your talent and abilities…your opportunities to use them. By accident…probably not. All God-orchestrated to mold us and shape us into the image of His Son so that we can be used for His Glory. Every joy and every trial is a planned event in God’s eyes. Thank Him for His love.
Family Time:
- Mordecai had uncovered a secret plan to kill the king, and the king was saved from death by what Mordecai had done. However, he had never been rewarded for what he had done. And yet Mordecai still served faithfully. How do you think you would feel if your good actions were forgotten or nobody noticed what you had done or thanked you?
- Haman was opposite of Mordecai. He was very proud, and focused on his own self. He was constantly thinking about what he deserved. When the king called him and asked him how he thought he should honor an important man, what was Haman’s idea? (Remember, he thought this was for himself!)
- What did the king tell Haman to do next, and how did Haman feel about it?