Tuesday, August 27
Read Esther 4
Think About It:
- Would you be willing, as Esther was, to prepare to enter into the king’s chambers, knowing that you will be put to death if the king does not hold out his scepter?
- You had to receive a special invitation from the king in order to be allowed to enter into his chambers. God has given you a continual invitation to meet with Him. Do you take this for granted? Think about how different it would be if we had to wait on God for an invitation to pray to Him. Spend some time thanking God for His love for you and His open relationship He has bestowed.
Family Time:
- Mordecai asked Esther to do a very brave and risky thing. What was it? (verse 8)
- What did Esther choose to do and why? (verses 15-16 & 13-14)
- Here in America, we may or may not be asked to give up our physical lives for Jesus, but every day we are faced with choices to obey God and His way, or choose our own way. What would you do if you had a choice to “play it safe” and NOT stand up for what was right, or to possibly lose friends, things, or even your life to stand up for what is right? Pray for courage to love Jesus more than anything else!