Wednesday, August 14
Read Nehemiah 3
Think About It:
At first glance, this chapter may seem like just a list of names and places. But if you read between the names and places there are many lessons and truths to learn.
Nehemiah 3 is all about work; they built and they repaired. Individuals pitched in and they worked together, coordinated and led by Nehemiah. The word for repairs is the Hebrew word chazaq; it is used 35 times in this chapter. The definition is to make strong, to restore to strength, to sustain, to encourage.
- How can we follow the examples given in this chapter for building the wall, and use them to build the church, as a body? Take a look at 1 Thessalonians 5:11 (NIV), “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” Also Ephesians 4:12 (NIV), “to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up”.
- There are many examples of Godly leadership in this chapter. See what examples you can find, who were the leaders and what examples did they set?
Family Time:
- The first gate of Jerusalem to be repaired was the sheep gate. This gate was important because that was where the sheep were brought through for sacrificing, which actually was part of the worship. After it was repaired, to whom did High Priest Eliashib and the other priests dedicate this gate? (verse 1)
- There was much work to be done to repair the entire wall of Jerusalem and the burned gates. All the verses in this chapter explain how and by whom the work was accomplished. Men, their sons and daughters all worked together in unity in this great task. What can you do to help “build and grow” your church?