Friday, August 2
Read Ezra 3
Think About It:
- First came the building of the altar (verse 2). Then the burnt offerings (verse 3) and the Feast of the Tabernacles (verse 4). (Remember our celebration of the Feat of Tabernacles last year?) The offerings came before the laying of the foundation of the temple. Christ became our sacrifice, the foundation of our salvation. How can we not sing to, praise and give thanks to the Lord?
- The priests and old men acted differently (verses 11-12), so they couldn’t tell joy from weeping. How does our rejoicing compare to the people gathered as “one man”? Do our neighbors hear it?
Family Time:
- When the children of Israel started worshipping in Jerusalem again, was the temple fully restored? (verse 6)
- What did the children of Israel do for the people working on the temple?
- Do you only worship God when you are at church? We can worship Him everywhere by what we think, say, and do.