Overview of the Book Ezra & Nehemiah
Thursday, August 1
Read Ezra 1
Think About It:
What would it be like to be a captive in a foreign land for 70 years and then suddenly be set free and allowed to return to your rightful home? They would be free to rebuild their temple and the king of their captivity saw that they had the funds to rebuild it. He also returned the items of gold and silver that had been taken from the original temple for them to take back with them.
- Try to imagine how it would feel to be set free from bondage and know that you have your rightful home waiting for you.
- In the same way, Jesus the King has set us free. Are you willing to rebuild your own personal temple?
Family Time:
- In verse 1, what does it mean when it says, “the LORD stirred up the spirit of Cyrus”?
- Cyrus made a proclamation in verses 2-4. What good things happened after this proclamation?
- God can move kings to do His will. He can surely move us!