Wednesday, July 24
Read 2 Chronicles 30
Think About It:
Hezekiah didn’t keep the privilege of keeping the Passover to just Judah. He sent invitations to all the cities in Israel as well as the cities in Judah. “Come to the house of the LORD at Jerusalem to keep the Passover to the LORD God of Israel.”
- Life Lesson #1: All were invited—not everyone came—all of Judah and some from Israel. Those that came were blessed beyond measure.
- Life Lesson #2: Those who came from Israel had never had a Godly king—they were essentially pagan and didn’t prepare themselves. Hezekiah saw this and prayed for them and God listened. (See verses 18-19.)
- Life Lesson #3: Don’t be quick to judge—God sees the heart—we can’t!
Family Time:
- Do you remember what the Passover was?
- What was the reason Hezekiah gave to the tribes to encourage them to celebrate the Passover? (verse 9)
- Was everyone happy to participate in the Passover? (verses 10-12)
- It had been a long time since the Israelites celebrated Passover. Those who celebrated felt joy, they were blessed by the priests and God heard their voice (verse 27). Even when we forget to do what God tells us for a while, we can start doing what is right at any time. When we go back to making the right choices and obey God, we feel joy and are blessed. Has this ever happened to you? Is there anything in your life right now you know you are supposed to be doing that you could start? Don’t miss out on the joy!!