Tuesday, July 23
Read 2 Chronicles 29
Think About It:
- Verse 11 says, “My sons, do not be negligent now, for the LORD has chosen you to stand before Him, to serve Him.” Hezekiah was encouraging the priests and Levites to focus on their sense of calling(the LORD has chosen you) and their central purpose (to serve and honor God). You have been chosen by the LORD. Have you lost your focus on serving and honoring God?
- Hezekiah was wise in making worship a priority. “Every human being’s first priority should be to acknowledge God’s worth. That, for example, is how the ten commandments begin, it is the reason for Jesus’ obedient death on the cross, and it is the chief characteristic of the community in heaven” (Selman). Verse 29 says, “So all the assembly worshipped, the singers sang, and the trumpeters sounded.” Each person played their part in this large community honoring of God. What part are you to play in the worship of the LORD God?
FACT: “Hezekiah did what was right in the sight of the LORD”. 2 Kings 18:4 tells us that Hezekiah prohibited worship on the high places. These were popular altars for sacrifices set up as the worshipper desired, not according to God’s direction.
FACT: It took 16 days to carry out the rubbish that had accumulated in the temple, including even the inner part of the house of the LORD.
Family Time:
- How old was Hezekiah when he became king?
- Was Hezekiah a good ruler?
- What was in Hezekiah’s heart? Why? (verse 10)
- Has God ever put something on your heart? Did you obey that direction? Why or why not?