Saturday, June 29
Read 2 Chronicles 9
Think About It:
- The Queen of Sheba heard about Solomon’s wisdom, but she wasn’t convinced until she saw for herself the proof of that wisdom. What she saw was the God behind Solomon’s wisdom and wealth. Do people see God in your wisdom?
- Could you be as generous as Solomon? (verse 12)
Family Time:
I see two neat pictures here.
- The Queen comes to see Solomon and see if all she has heard about him is true. She is overwhelmed and in awe of all that he is and has. Did you know that God wants us to come to Him in the same way? He loves for us to sit and ask Him things and to look at all the things He has done—to adore and worship Him! Jeremiah 33:3 says, “Call to Me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.”
- The Queen came and gave gifts to King Solomon. But she left with even more than she came with! When we are willing to come to God and offer gifts to Him (time, love, praise, serving, money, etc.), He blesses US in even greater ways, and gives us back more! See Luke 6:38 to see His promise in this! Everything we need is made available to us through Jesus Christ! Hallelujah! Psalm 16:11b, “…In Your presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore!”