Friday, June 28
Read 2 Chronicles 8
Think About It:
An incredible amount of building in 20 years. But like we can, Solomon became so busy that he forgot some very important things in those 20 years. Turn back to Deuteronomy 17 and read carefully verses 14-20. Take special note of verses 18 and 19.
Family Time:
- In verse 8, Solomon wouldn’t bring his Egyptian wife to live in the house of David because the place where the Ark of God sat, was holy. He knew she was not one of God’s people and that she practiced unholy things. God had told him not to marry these kind of women. Why do you think Solomon still chose to marry her?
- Do you have things that God has said not to have (or do) that you allow to stay in your life because you love it more than God? If so, confess it to God and repent.
- What is the danger of allowing wrong things to come into and stay in our lives?