Wednesday, June 26
Read 2 Chronicles 6
Think About It:
- What was God’s requirement for David’s descendants to continue on the throne? (Hint: see verse 16.)
- What are some examples where the cycle in verses 24-25 happened?
Family Time:
- In this chapter, Solomon praises how awesome God is, and he also has a request for God. He asks God to hear whenever His people turn to Him in prayer. In these verses, we see a pattern of what the people needed to do before God would forgive them. What were some of those things? (This is a harder one, so if they need some help, here are some things mentioned. See their sin, turn to God, confess their sins, and repent.)
- Why is it important to repent (turn away from sin and go the other way)? Parents, explain the difference between repentance and being “sorry.”
- Do you practice repentance when you sin, or do you just say “sorry” or make excuses, and then continue to do wrong? Forgiveness cannot be received until repentance happens first. Start today!