Monday, May 27
Read 2 Kings 20
Think About It:
- This chapter demonstrates how tremendous power is released through the passionate, heartfelt prayer of a godly believer. When Isaiah told Hezekiah to put his house in order because he would soon die, Hezekiah prayed to the LORD, resulting in a quick answer to prayer – God heard his prayer, saw his tears and healed him! The sundial miracle (verse 11) was a visual confirmation of his healing and extension of his life by 15 years. When we are quick to trust God despite bad news, He is more than able to hear us, have compassion and reverse the situation for His glory. In what ways have you trusted God for a complete turnaround of situations and prayed through to see God’s hand heal, provide, protect or change things?
- After Hezekiah’s healing, his heart became proud of his prosperity and success. He did not point to God’s provision when visitors came to see his palace. His testimony of healing and abundance turned into an arrogant effort to impress the messengers from Babylon. We must always remember everything we are and have comes from God. Do not let the picture of God’s hand at work in your life dwindle into vanity and pride. We all have things to be thankful for – give God thanks as you recognize some of the blessings you have received from Him. Speak to others of God’s goodness to you as often as the opportunities arise.
Family Time:
Memory Verse: 2 Kings 20:5
Hezekiah was a faithful king. God heard his pleas and saw his tears and healed him.
- What was his life expectancy after he was healed?
- What else was God willing to do besides heal Hezekiah? (verse 6)
- Once Hezekiah dies who reigned in his place?