Saturday, May 25
Read 2 Kings 19
Think About It:
- There was good reason for Hezekiah to be so humble before the LORD. “City after city has fallen to Sennacherib and long lines of deportees are already snaking their bitter way into exile – and it is all Hezekiah’s fault! He followed the lunatic policy of rebellion and was bewitched by Egyptian promises. He might as well have sold his people himself. But even when a matter is our own fault we can still pray about it. And the Lord can always be trusted to pity his people.” (Motyer, commentary on Isaiah)
He did not allow his mourning and grief to spin him into a rejection of the LORD’s power and help. He knew this was a more necessary time than ever to seek the LORD. So the king sought out the word of the LORD, given through the prophet of the LORD. Hezekiah knew that their only hope was that God would take offense at the blasphemies of Rabshakeh and rise up against him.
Have you ever been in a desperate situation, where you knew that your only hope was that God would step in and act to save you? If so, what did you do?
- What was the response of God to Isaiah’s prayer and petition on behalf of King Hezekiah?
- The Rabshakeh was not in Jerusalem, but that didn’t stop him from trying to build fear, discouragement, and despair in Hezekiah. He sent a letter to the king of Judah to attack him from a distance. Often our enemy, Satan, uses a similar tactic to try and convince us that our faith in God is misplaced. He may whisper his lies to us directly, he may use others to place doubts in our minds and cause confusion. But like Hezekiah, we can go directly to God with our problems.
Is there something that has caused you to feel fear, discouragement or despair? Take it to the Lord today.
Family Time:
- When King Hezekiah got sick, what did Isaiah say would happen?
- When Hezekiah prayed for a longer life, what answer did the Lord give him?
- What sign did the Lord give Hezekiah to show that he would get well?