Tuesday, May 21
Read 2 Kings 8
Think About It:
- King Jehoram’s dealing with the Shunammite woman was a striking contrast to his father’s land dealings. Who or what impacted this decision?
- What prophesy did Elisha give to Hazael? How did Hazael respond? Did it change his course of action?
- “Our ignorance of the depravity of our own hearts is a startling fact. Hazael did not believe that he was bad enough to do any of the things here anticipated… I appeal to you, Christian men and women, if anyone had told you that you would have loved your Savior so little as you have done; if any prophet had told you, in the hour of your conversion, that you would have served him so feebly as you have done, would you have believed it!” (Spurgeon)
Family Time:
- In verse 11, why did Elisha cry?
- How would you react if you knew that something bad was going to happen?
- What was the one reason why the Lord didn’t destroy Judah, at this time?