Saturday, May 18
Read 2 Kings 5
Think About It:
- How did Naaman respond to Elisha’s directions to be healed?
- Who helped Naaman follow the directions to be cleaned?
Family Time:
- Naaman, a great army commander of the King of Syria, had a skin disease called leprosy. An Israelite girl is a captive slave girl to Naaman’s wife who tells them about the Prophet of the Lord, Elisha, who could heal Naaman’s leprosy. Tell what happens when Naaman and Elisha meet and their conversation.
- What is Naaman’s reaction when Elisha tells him to go wash in the Jordan seven times? What is the result when Naaman eventually DOES go wash in the Jordan seven times? How was his life changed?
- Naaman wants to give Elisha a gift in return for the “gift” Elisha and God gave him. Elisha refuses, but what about Gehazi, Elisha’s servant? What did he do and what happened to him after he was found out? We can never hide anything from God. He knows and sees all that we do. He is Awesome!