Friday, May 17
Read 2 Kings 4
Think About It:
- II Kings 4 speaks of four miracles of compassion and provision. The story of the widow’s oil demonstrates how God wants to provide for us according to our faith and willingness to obey. The widow only saw what little oil she had to be used for food, fuel and lamps. But when she obeyed what God shared through Elijah, she was able to provide for her family and sell the extra jars of oil to get money for other needs, proving God is able to use our “little” to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine! Spend some time thanking Him for areas of His provision in your life.
- The common theme among the four miracles God uses Elijah to perform shows us His lovingkindness to provide for every need of those who are faithful to Him. The Shunammite woman who generously provided a place for Elijah to stay was rewarded beyond her wildest dreams with a son. When his life ended, her determination to find Elisha indicates she knew the man of God could restore the life of her son. As we show compassion to those around us, God uses us to draw them closer to Him. We are co-laborers with Him to cause His perfect will to be done here as it is in heaven. Ask God to show you ways you can love your neighbors, friends, co-workers, etc. to draw them to know God’s love for them.
Family Time:
- In chapter 4, Elisha first meets a widow whose husband died. Re-tell that story in your own words.
- Elisha also meets a woman and her husband from Shunem. She offers some food to Elisha… tell the rest of the story. Include what the woman and her husband do for Elisha, and what happens to her and her son.
- These next two stories in chapter 4 deal with food. Tell about the stew. Now tell about the 20 loaves of barley bread and 100 men.
- What do we learn about the faithfulness of God from these four events?