Saturday, May 4
Read 1 Kings 11
Think About It:
- Solomon’s heart begins to turn from the Lord in Chapter 10. What things did he do that are found in Deuteronomy 17:16-19? He continues in Chapter 11. What things did he do that are found in Exodus 20:1-5?
- Specifically, the Lord warned him about worshipping other gods. He disregarded the warning. What was the result?
- God saved part of the kingdom for David’s sake in verse 36. Why Jerusalem? Read Revelation 21:20 & 23.
- In the most unusual way, Jeroboam was shown he would receive 10 of the tribes in verse 29-31. Why did he go to Egypt?
Family Time:
- This chapter takes a sad turn as we see King Solomon fall and turn away from the Lord as he runs after women from other nations. He had been warned not to take them as his wives, yet he chose to do what was pleasing to himself. He chose to cling to them instead of God and His ways. What was his consequence? (verse 11)
- What kind of people are you allowing to influence your life? Are they pushing you closer to God and helping you obey Him, or are they leading you to be unfaithful and disobedient to God – doing things you know are wrong? Be careful who you get close to!
- Do you have something in your life that you love more than God? Remember that we cannot serve two masters. We will always love one and hate the other. You cannot split your life between God and other things. He has to be first. Run away from anything that would keep you away from Him or cause you to disobey Him. Pray about this as a family.