Friday, May 3
Read 1 Kings 10
Think About It:
It seems this was more than just a customary visit. In Matthew 12:42 Jesus mentions her, and she is also mentioned in Isaiah 60:6 and Psalms 60:6 & 10. The Queen of Sheba came to visit Solomon but what was her real motive? She had heard but now she needed to see for herself. She had knowledge of Solomon’s connection to the Lord and wanted to test him with hard questions. Were those questions about the God he believed in? She came with great wealth. Was it just a gift or was she assuming Solomon would be impressed by her own wealth? Whatever her reasoning she came away with a deeper respect for the God of Solomon and what He had done for him. In fact, verse 5 says what she heard and saw took her breath away.
- How far would you go to let God take your breath away?
Family Time:
- Talk about or write a list of things that King Solomon was wealthy in. Note: Yearly, the king received over 200 million dollars (in today’s money), plus extras from trade, etc.!!!
- King Solomon wrote another book of the Bible called Ecclesiastes. In it he talks about ALL that he had – riches, success, honor, women, etc. – and he says that it was all vanity. Vanity means worthless. He experienced every fun thing you could imagine, and he still said that in the end, it was all worthless. What lesson can we learn from this?