Monday, April 29
Read 1 Kings 5
Think About It:
- The first five verses honor David as Solomon “inherits” a life of peace due to David’s success in defeating his foes because of his obedience to the LORD, his friendship with Hiram and his trust in God’s promise to him that his son will build the LORD’s temple. Spend a few minutes thanking God for your “inheritance” as those who have gone before or those who walk beside you may have made or are making your life’s path easier. Talk to God about the promises He has given you for your life and thank Him for each one as they come to mind.
- Solomon’s wisdom, kindness and generosity won him both the favor of Hiram and the workers needed to accomplish the building project with ease. Hiram enjoyed the opportunity to work together with Solomon because of their friendship and the peace between them – and Hiram’s servants were trained for the task of cutting and moving timber. When we ask God for wisdom, He will make us successful and He honors our efforts to be generous to others. Ask Him for wisdom every day and ask Him for ways you can be more generous with the gifts and abilities God has given you to win the favor of friends/neighbors/family.
Family Time:
- What was Solomon getting ready to do?
- What was this temple built from? (verses 17-18)
- Who was He building the temple for? (verse 5)