Tuesday, April 16
Read 2 Samuel 18
Think About It:
- Absalom rebelled against his father, David. David sent the army out against Absalom. What instructions did David give to the army?
- Where was the fight taking place? Why was that instrumental to Absalom’s demise?
- A man saw that Absalom was helpless, yet he only told Joab about it. How did Joab react? Money couldn’t tempt the man to go against David’s command. Why did Joab react the way he did? Was Joab just tired of all the fighting? What tempts you to go against God’s word?
- What did Absalom build for himself? Did he use it?
- Out of respect for Absalom and on the day of his death, whey wouldn’t Joab let Ahimaaz go tell the king? David loved Absalom more than himself. What should have been a victory celebration, turned into mourning.
Family Time:
- Did David lead his people into battle? (verse 3)
- Did Absalom lead his people into battle? (17:11)
- What happened to Absalom in the woods?
- Did Joab obey King David?
FACT: Verse 17 ‘large heap of stones’ – Being buried under a heap of stones often meant the one buried was a criminal or enemy.