Saturday, April 6
Think About It:
- Upon the death of Hanun’s father, Nahash, an Ammonite king, David sent some servants to convey his condolences. Hanun’s princes gave him some bad advice and as a result disgraced David’s servants. Have your intentions ever been misunderstood? What action did you take, if any?
- The Ammonites hired the Syrian’s army to defend them against David for the wrong they had done him. David’s army divided themselves into two parts with an agreement to fight for each other if they were being overcome. Joab recognized God as the decision maker of the battle. The Syrian’s fled and the Ammonites returned to their city. When God is for you, who can be against you?
- Syrian’s were disgraced by their defeat. They reacted by getting other Syrians’ to fight with them against Israel. David knew of this and sent his army to fight them. After destroying over 40,000 men and their captain, the remaining Syrians made peace with Israel and served them. The Syrians decided not to help the Ammonites again. Have you seen God fight your battles?
Family Time:
- Who did David’s men defeat?
- What was the battle plan of Joab and Abishai? (verses 9-11)