Tuesday, April 2
Read 2 Samuel 6
Think About It:
Note: It has been awhile since the Ark was mentioned.
- How did the Israelites carry the Ark? How were they supposed to? (Numbers 7:9)
- The Ark was also supposed to be covered with what during transport? (Number 4:6)
- Why do you suppose they didn’t follow God’s very specific directions?
- Why did David get angry (verse 8) after Uzzah was killed?
Family Time:
- What happened to Uzzah? (verses 6-7)
- At whose house did the ark remain for three months? (verse 11)
- What did David do when he brought the ark to the City of David? (verse 14-15)
- What was Michal’s reaction to David’s dancing before the Lord? (verses 16 and 20)
- What happened to Michal? (verse 23)