Monday, March 25
Read 1 Samuel 30
Think About It:
- Throughout 1 Samuel, people use many different methods to seek God’s help with making decisions. How does David seek God’s advice? Can you think of other ways to seek the Lord’s guidance?
- When the men return with the spoils and they disagree on the distribution of the spoils, what does this show about the hearts of some of the men?
Family Time:
- How did David and his men respond to the scene when they came to the town?
- How did David find strength?
(David has a decision to make. He is sad, and he knows that the people are very upset with him – even to the point of wanting to kill him. Things have gone very wrong. David decides.)
- “David strengthened himself in the Lord his God.” How did David do this? What does David ask God? What does God tell him?
- Do you see what David did when everything was going very wrong?
(He did not call a counsel of his fighting men to plan to fight. He did not rush out into battle. David simply prayed and asked God for direction.)
- David came back to a messy situation. His first response was to go to God in prayer. David knew where his source of strength came from. Do you? Do you go to God first?