Friday, March 22
Read 1 Samuel 28
Think About It:
- Verse 3 tells us that Saul had expelled the mediums and spiritists from the land, but verse 7 says he asked his attendants to find him a medium woman to inquire of her. He himself had already removed the sin of witchcraft from the land, perhaps for the outward appearance of doing the right thing, but still he harbored the sin in his heart. He never really believed God’s Word against seeking counsel from the occult. He did inquire of the LORD, but when the LORD did not answer him, he turned to the enemy’s schemes. Saul was his own god. Have you ever been tempted to do your own thing when you didn’t hear the answer from God in the way you wanted or the timing you expected?
- When we compromise God’s values and disregard what we know God has instructed us, we set ourselves up for deception. Saul’s life story is full of examples of his weakness in waiting for God’s timing and decisions to do whatever he wanted to accomplish what he wanted. Don’t be like Saul; have faith, endure, and become perfected in Christ – nothing missing and nothing lacking. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you areas in your life where you need to wait on Him.
Family Time:
- Read Deuteronomy 18:9-14; 1 Corinthians 10:20 and Revelation 22:14-15. Why does the Bible warn so strongly against witchcraft? What other activities do these verses warn us against?
- Discuss how Saul’s attitude towards witchcraft changed in verses 3 to 7. What caused that change?
- Why did God not answer Saul’s prayers in verse 6? Read Isaiah 59:1-3.
- Read John 8:44 and 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12. Why does the devil tell lies? What is the effect of those lies on people who refuse to serve God? What was the effect of this experience on Saul?
- Watch