Tuesday, March 19
Read 1 Samuel 25
Think About It:
- Why did David think his men could ask for food from Nabal’s feast? (verse 21)
- Nabal mistreated David’s men. When Nabal’s wife, Abigail, heard how David’s men were treated, what did she do?
- Abigail’s plan wouldn’t have worked if David had not had a receptive heart. His receptive heart kept him from killing Nabal. He was guilt free and avenged by the Lord. How can we have a receptive heart and be free from guilt?
- Nabal didn’t realize the danger he was in. Because Nabal had partied all night, Abigail waited until the time was right and told him. What was the result of telling him?
- Why did Abigail become David’s wife? (verses 30-31)
Family Time:
- What do we learn from this story about the heart of David?
(He took correction. He listened to Abigail and changed his plans. David would have sinned if he tried to revenge Nabal.)
- Do you listen to people when they tell you that what you are doing is wrong? Why is it hard to listen to advice people give to you?
- Make cards out of construction paper and crayons to give to a friend or family member.
Abigail gave David and his men a gift. God wants us to be kind and share with our friends. One nice thing that we can do today is give a gift to someone. Make a nice card to give to your friend or family.