Friday, March 15
Read 1 Samuel 22
Think About It:
- Why do you think the men who went to David in the cave of Adullam were in distress, in debt, and bitter in soul?
- Are you careful to care for others even through difficult times, as David did for his parents?
Family Time:
- Jealousy, hatred, anger, and suspicion had taken over Saul. Where was Saul and what was he doing?
- Although the priest had not known all that was happening with David, Saul was angry with him when he found out that he had helped David. What did Saul order his guards to do? (verse 17) Did they do it? Who did?
- Did Saul’s anger stop there? What did he do next? (verse 19)
This all started with a heart that had grown proud and turned away from following the commands of the Lord, leading to an act of disobedience. He chose to listen to himself and others instead of obeying God. God’s spirit left him, and his kingdom was taken away and given to another – a man after God’s heart.
Disobedience opens the door for all other kinds of sins and evil.
- Read 1 Sam 15:23. What can we learn from Saul’s life about the seriousness of obedience/disobedience? Pray together.