Wednesday, March 13
Read 1 Samuel 20
Think About It:
- In Saul’s insecurity as king and his desire to maintain kingship through sinful human means without God, since he had been told (I Samuel 13:13-14) another king was chosen because of his disobedience, he wanted David dead. Jonathan’s loyalty to God helped him see the truth about his father and king, Saul, and his friend, David. When it’s difficult to know which relationships to remain loyal to, we must seek God and His truth to know what to do. Loyalty is costly and selfless. Life will challenge each of us with conflicting relationships that will require us to give up something we love to do the right thing. Human reasoning may leave a sense of betrayal at times, but loyalty to God and seeking His Truth will shed light on the decisions we have to make. Can you think of a person in your life who may have thought you betrayed when you were simply following God’s Truth? Pray for them that they will also see the truth and follow God’s direction.
- In verse 30, Saul lost his temper and blamed his son, Jonathan (and Jonathan’s mom) for his troubles with David. He also threatens Jonathan’s life (his kingdom will not be established) as if Saul has the power to decide who is king. God had already chosen David to be the next king. When ungodly people feel threatened, they will lie about others and try to scare you, so you will obey them instead of God. As you recognize the fruit from their actions, you can see God’s direction for you. Stay loyal to people who show God’s fruit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you how to remain loyal to God first as you relate to others in your life in situations you are facing right now.
Family Time:
- Jonathan’s friendship with David is a beautiful picture of friendship and of humility. Name some of the ways the Bible describes their friendship. (For help you can look at these verses: 18:1, 3, 4; 19:1; 20:17, 41.)
- Jonathan deeply loved David. He served him, cared for him, looked out for him and protected him. Do you have a friend like this? Are you a friend to others in any of these ways?
- Read verse 31. What did Saul say to Jonathan that could’ve caused Jonathan to become very jealous of David?
- Did Jonathan let jealousy or fear take over? Jealousy and fear can destroy love. Jonathan chose to love.
- Read 1 Corinthians 13 and talk about some of the ways Jonathan lived out true love.
- Pray for this kind of love that comes only from God.