Saturday, March 9
Read 1 Samuel 17
Think About It:
- When David comes to mind, what do you think of? Shepherd? Hero? King? Psalm writer? Ancestor of Jesus? Man of faith? – He’s listed in Hebrews 11.
- David was accused of showing off by his oldest brother. He hadn’t come to the battle on his own. His father sent him to take food to his brothers and to bring back news of their welfare. Have you ever been doing the right thing and others accuse you of having another motive? How did you handle that?
- When called to Saul, David gave him his qualifications to fight Goliath (verses 34-37). Did Saul believe he could win? David didn’t take Saul’s offer of his armor, because he hadn’t used it before. Do we try to use armor we haven’t tested?
- David was fearless because the Lord was on David’s side. Can we be as fearless? What giants are you facing? David faced Goliath with God’s ability, not his own strength. With the Lord on our side, we can conquer our giants.
- What were the rewards David was to receive?
Family Time:
Fun facts: Goliath stood 9 ¾ feet tall. Almost 10 feet! His coat of armor is estimated to weigh between 75-125 pounds! The spear head weighed about 15 pounds, as did his sword. (A normal sword weighs 2 ½ to 4 ½ pounds) Wow!
- Would you want to volunteer to fight this warrior?
- When Saul and the Israelites saw and heard Goliath, what was their response? (verse 11)
- David spoke strongly and boldly to the men and to the king when he heard and saw Goliath. Do you think David was being prideful and cocky, or was there another reason he was so confident? As he talked to Saul, was he focused on his own power, or God’s power?
- What weapon did David fight with? (verse 45)
- God didn’t intend for David to fight with a sword and clothed in armor. He had chosen Him for this time, and his weapon was faith. God would use him that day to bring Himself glory in front of all the people. Because David trusted and honored God, God gave him victory. That day, all the people would remember that the Lord was the Deliverer and the Victor!