Friday, March 8
Read 1 Samuel 16
Think About It:
A simple shepherd boy? And he’s going to be king over Israel? But, “The Lord does not see as men see. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”
- Have you ever been guilty of judging a person’s potential by only what you can physically see?
- How do you think David’s brothers felt when they realized they had been passed over only to be replaced by the little brother? How would you feel? Would you be able to rejoice over God’s choice?
Family Time:
- What did God send Samuel to do? (verse 1)
- When he came and saw Eliab, Samuel was sure God had chosen him as king. But what did God tell Samuel? (verse 7)
- In this verse (7), the Lord tells us that man looks at what? What does God look at?
- Do you choose friends by what they look like or what they can do? (The prettiest, coolest, strongest, smartest, most popular, etc.)
- Read 1 Corinthians 1:26-29. What kind of people does God choose and use?