Tuesday, March 5
Read 1 Samuel 13
Think About It:
- Why didn’t Saul wait for Samuel?
- Was it a big deal?
- What time in your life has been the hardest in ‘waiting on God?’
- What truth helped? What did not?
Family Time:
- Read chapter 12:22 & 24. What was the promise God made to His people in those verses?
- The Israelites were greatly outnumbered. They had a few thousand, and the Philistines had thousands of chariots, horsemen, and soldiers. When they saw that they were in danger, what did they do? (verses 6-8)
- Was this response fear or faith?
- What caused Saul to disobey God? (verses 11-12)
- God wants to give us incredible things. But do we trust and obey Him? Is there fear or faith in our lives? Fear can be a powerful force, but faith in Jesus overcomes fear, and gives us victory!
- Pray together as a family for the Lord to set you free from the spirit of fear and give you a heart full of faith and obedience!
“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind” 2 Timothy 1:7