Monday, March 4
Read 1 Samuel 12
Think About It:
- Samuel’s speech brought forth the fact that their request for a king was not a righteous choice, and Samuel himself did not agree with their decision. But God did grant them a king to give direction. However, God remained their true King and they needed to recognize the importance of obeying God’s will. It should be easy for a Christian to recognize God’s commands and obey them, even if the law of the land allows things outside or opposite of what God has directed us to do. Can you think of any examples of laws that America has adopted that are out of line with what God has directed His children to do?
- When Samuel prayed, God responded with thunder and rain – which got the attention of the Israelites (verse 18: “so all the people stood in awe of the LORD and Samuel”). In verses 20-25, Samuel warns them to remain obedient to the LORD and serve Him with all their heart. In verse 23, he says, “As for me, far be it from me that I should sin against the LORD by failing to pray for you. And I will teach you the way that is good and right.” Do you realize that we are priests of the LORD and have the responsibility to pray for one another and teach others the right way to God (Ephesians 6:18 & II Timothy 2:2)? Take some time with God and write down the names of people He puts on your heart to pray for on a regular basis.
Family Time:
- In Exodus 19, God reminds the Israelites of how He delivered them from the Egyptians, and how He carried them on eagle’s wings and lifted them to Himself. He tells them that if they obey Him, they will be a special treasure to Him above all people. The whole earth is His, and He had chosen these people. They would be His and He would be theirs. He was their King.
How do you think God felt about the Israelites desire to have their own, earthly king? Why do you think they wanted this?
- Is it always easy to trust in, follow, and serve the God we cannot see?
- Are there things we tend to trust in more than God?
- God has greatly blessed our lives in this nation, and we have SO much! But let’s pray that we will always remember that our true provision, defense, healing, etc. comes from HIM! He gives us every breath! Let’s make Him our King and Lord! Pray together!