Friday, February 22
Read 1 Samuel 4
Think About It:
- Instead of talking to God in prayer, the Israelites thought there was power in the Ark of the Covenant (using it like an idol). They exchanged an object for the Presence of Almighty God and sought the power of God without the relationship. Many times, we believe the lie that it’s easier to worship things than it is to maintain our relationship with God. Today we see people holding on to the things and traditions religion offers (legalism) instead of trusting in God’s love and grace through a relationship with Him. The bible says, “faith and endurance inherit the promises”. God promised the Israelites victory if they trusted Him and followed His direction. Think of a time when you might have leaned toward hoping in a thing or a person instead of trusting God. In today’s passage, can you see the importance in starting each day getting in-tune with God’s direction and seeking His will in everything you do?
- This chapter ends sadly as Eli learns his two sons have died, as prophesied in I Samuel 2:34, and his daughter-in-law dies during the birth of her son, Ichabod (name meaning “the glory has departed”). Because Eli’s sons lived sinful lives, the new baby’s birth is not a time of joy and celebration. Sin always reverses what God intended for blessing into a curse for those who are not following Him. We can easily see how sinful people are always seeking happiness, but never truly joyful. It is often easy to recognize a child of God from those who do not know Him by the Christian’s joyful heart because of God’s blessing in their life. The bible says, “in the Presence of the LORD, there is fullness of joy” and “the joy of the LORD is our strength.” Do others recognize your level of joy and know you have spent time in prayer and praise?
Family Time:
- The Israelites and Philistines were at war (still). Who was winning at the beginning of this chapter?
- The Israelites reasoned that they could be saved if the Ark of the Covenant came to the battle sight with them. Tell why you think they thought it would make a difference. What was the Ark of the Covenant?
- Retell the events that happened after the Ark of the Covenant was taken to the battlefield. Explain why you think taking the Ark of the Covenant to the battlefield was a good idea or a bad idea.