Overview of the Book of 1 Samuel
Tuesday, February 19
Read 1 Samuel 1
Think About It:
- Elkanah had two wives, Peninnah and Hannah. Peninnah had many children. Hannah had none. Elkanah tried to appease Hannah. Peninnah teased her. The Lord’s plan, for Hannah, was postponing childbirth. Has the Lord ever postponed something you really wanted? How did you handle it?
- Hannah prayed at the tabernacle. While she prayed, what did Eli, the priest think was wrong with her? Why? How did Eli answer her after he found out the nature of her prayer?
- In her prayer, Hannah made a vow to give the male child, Samuel (which means “asked of God” or “God heard”), back to the Lord and she kept her vow after she had weaned him. What else did she do when she “lent” him back to the Lord?
- When Hannah was discouraged and could have had an “attitude”, she got it adjusted by: her honest prayer to God (verses 10-11); leaving the situation with God (verse 18); and the word of encouragement she received from Eli (verse17). Could you use these as a cure for discouragement?
Family Time:
- Why was Hannah so unhappy?
- A family with many children was considered a wealthy, upstanding family. Many children meant extra helpers in the family business and assurance there would be future generations. Also, children would take care of their parents in their later years. A woman who was unable to have a child was considered a failure. What did Hannah say to God as she prayed and poured her heart out to Him?
- God hears our honest, heart-felt prayers. How did He answer Hannah’s prayer?
- Why did Hannah name her son, Samuel?