Wednesday, February 13
Read Judges 18
Think About It:
- Much like today in America, in the days of Judges 18, every man did what he pleased. The Danites failed to trust God help them conquer their God-given territory and avoided resistance from the enemy, choosing to attack a peaceful land, kill its inhabitants and steal it. There, they came upon a disobedient priest who had no reverence for God. He served in a home instead of the tabernacle, carried idols with him and claimed to hear from God when he had not. None of the Israelites desired to worship God, but sought selfish gain by pretending to serve God. It appears that the Danites were successful by defeating Laish people and taking over the city and renaming it “Dan” after their ancestor. Outward signs of success do not always indicate favor with God. In what activities do we often “go through the motions” today, ignoring God’s Word, instead of engaging in open and honest relationship with God?
- Verse 24 says Micah replied, “You took the gods I made and my priest and went away. What else do I have?” How much can we lose without losing our faith in God? Consider losing your home, family, friends, health, five senses… (think of Job, Paul, and Helen Keller as examples). How would that affect your relationship with God? Do you think you would draw closer to Him or give up?
Family Time:
- The Danite’s were looking for a new land. They sent spies ahead to check out this land. Did anyone pray about this?
- The Danites ran into the Levite that worked for Micah. The Levite showed them all of Micah’s false idols. The spies went back to get the rest of the tribe of Dan. On the way to their new land, they forcefully took Micah’s idols. The Levite went with them too. What did they say to convince the Levite to go? (verse 19)
- This Levite cared more about his own glory. The idols of Micah were transferred from one household to an entire tribe in another land. Can you think of a time you made a bad choice and someone copied you?
- Verse 1a, “In those days there was no king in Israel.”
PARENTS: Again, a lack of leadership.