Saturday, February 9
Read Judges 15
Think About It:
- Samson sought revenge several times in this chapter. What was the cause each time he took revenge? Did he have “the Spirit’s” help with any of them? If so, why?
- What caused Samson to call out to the Lord after his fight using the jawbone of a donkey? How was this answered?
- Samson was physically strong, but that didn’t make up for his weaknesses in other areas of his life. Can you think of areas in your life where you are strong? Or weak? God uses people of faith. See Hebrews 11:32-33. Samson is mentioned there.
Family Time:
- God gave Samson a special gift of great strength but he didn’t use it for Godly good. He used it for his own selfish purposes. What gift or gifts has God given you? How are you or how can you use it for Godly good?
- Samson used his gift (verses 7-8) for revenge. Getting revenge (getting back at someone who hurts you or someone you love) can become a vicious cycle where those who receive the revenge try to get their revenge on the first person in return. Who wins?
- Tell how forgiveness can stop this cycle of revenge. Think of a time when you felt like you were treated unfairly and tried or wanted to get revenge back at the person. What do you think might have happened if you would have forgiven that person in the first place? Which do you think pleases God more, getting revenge or giving forgiveness?