Wednesday, February 6
Read Judges 10
Think About It:
- Do you find it ironic that the Israelites are worshipping other gods until they need something? Have you ever done something like this… even if it’s just not relying on God? (For example, do you go to God before: the doctor, the mechanic, gossiping/ venting to someone about a tough situation, finances?)
- As in verse 6, have you ever gone a time without serving the Lord? If so, do you notice any differences in the outcome of a situation, or in how you handle a situation?
Family Time:
- After Abimelech dies, the next two judges ruled over Israel for forty-five (45) years. However, the Bible does not record anything noteworthy about their reign in these years. What are you doing that would or could be recorded as noteworthy, by which others would remember you?
- What does verse 6 say? Verse 7? Verse 10? Verse 13? Verse 15? Too often we, as the Israelites did, only turn to God as a last resort, when we are in trouble. What do we learn from these verses about the Heart of God?