Monday, February 4
Read Judges 8
Think About It:
- Our toughest trials often follow our greatest victories. Gideon asked for “one earring” from each Israelite, a seemingly small and insignificant request – accepting payment for the win even though God led them to victory. Gideon overlooked the battle of significance in his own heart; it gained momentum and showed up when he made the ephod, which became a snare to his family. The leader who gained victory for the Israelites over the Midianites led them back into the same bondage holding them captive before battle: idolatry. Don’t ever attempt to do something for God, do it with Him – and give Him all the glory. Gideon may have had good intentions initially, but the ephod was meant for the high priest alone. How many times do we hang on to our favorite little habits, deceiving ourselves into thinking it doesn’t matter? Let’s search our hearts in prayer before God each day and ask His Holy Spirit to reveal anything within us that needs to go. Repentance is a daily necessity to prevent little attitudes and habits from becoming large hurdles and strongholds in our life.
- God develops a trusting relationship with Gideon by proving nothing is impossible for Him. The fleece – the angel of the LORD – the size of the army – the dream overheard in the enemy’s camp – the pitcher, torch and trumpet used instead of swords as weapons – and the victory in battle are all answers to prayer and miraculous signs that built Gideon’s trust in the LORD. Gideon hoped the ephod would give him the answers to questions more quickly as a process, instead of a relationship with God. We tend to become dependent on things instead of God, but in the end that robs us and never truly satisfies. Ask God’s Holy Spirit to reveal to you things that replace that relationship with God. Commit to remove those things from your life now.
Family Time:
- Gideon achieved military success because he obeyed God…to the tiniest detail. Are you willing to obey God in every part of your life?
- The Israelites wanted Gideon to become their ruler, their king. What was Gideon’s response to them? (See verse 23.) Who rules over you and your life?
- Gideon made an ephod of gold from plunder gained during battles. An ephod is a vest-like garment a priest would wear over his chest. Gideon then placed this ephod in his home town (verse 27). The Bible doesn’t tell what Gideon’s intentions were when he made the ephod or why he placed it in his home town. Perhaps Gideon had good intentions for the ephod, but it ended up creating a huge problem for the Israelites. Tell what the people began to do to the golden ephod. What good, intentional decision have you made that created problems for you or for others?