Thursday, January 24
Read Joshua 14
Think About It:
- Joshua was faithful to follow God’s directions for dividing the land exactly as God had instructed Moses. How faithful are you in following the instructions God has given you in His Word? Do you subscribe to the theory that obeying almost completely is close enough? For example, do you follow God’s Word as long as you agree with it, but ignore it when you think the requirements are too difficult or the sacrifice too high?
- Caleb was faithful from the very beginning, as one of the original 12 spies sent into the promised land (Numbers 13:30-33). He saw the fortified cities and giants, yet he knew that God would help His people conquer the land. Because of his faith, God promised Caleb a personal inheritance of land (Numbers 14:24, Deuteronomy 1:34-36). Caleb didn’t do anything wrong, but because the other spies were cowards and didn’t trust God, Caleb had to wait to receive his reward. How long did Caleb have to wait to receive his reward? How would you react if the actions of other people caused you to wait many years before you received a promised reward for your faithfulness to God?
Family Time:
Peek into the past reminder: When the Israelites had first come to the promised land 40 years earlier, Caleb and Joshua were the only ones who believed they could take the land and defeat the armies. They had faith that God would do what He had promised! The others looked at the situation, became afraid, and did not trust the promise of the Lord. Now, 45 years later, Caleb is back in the land the Lord had promised to him. He is still full of faith in the Lord and he is ready to take his part of the land, even though there are giants who live in that land.
- Caleb waited a very long time for God’s promise to happen – 45 years!! Have you ever waited that long for something?
- Do you think Caleb ever wondered if the promise would be given to him?
- Have you ever wondered if the Lord will keep His promises to you? What are some of His promises?
- Verses 8 & 9 say that Caleb wholly followed the LORD his God. What does that mean? How can you do that in your own life?
- Pray for the LORD to give all of us this kind of faith, the faith that will believe and trust God forever and ever, no matter what!