Wednesday, January 23
Read Joshua 11
Think About It:
Two things stand out in this record: it was the Lord who gave victory and Joshua obeyed the Lord by utterly destroying the enemy, just as Moses had commanded. Joshua’s strategy was to cut across the land and divide it, then conquer the southern cities, then the northern cities. On more than one occasion, he made a surprise attack on the enemy and the promises of the Lord encouraged him. The northern coalition of the Kings’ was unable to defeat Israel even though their army was much larger than that of the Jews. The “long time” in verse 18 is about seven years. The Anakim mentioned were a race of giants, descendants of Anak, who were greatly feared by the 10 unbelieving men who spied out Canaan. The two believing spies, Joshua and Caleb, didn’t fear them but had trusted the Lord for victory. Joshua’s victory was a direct result of his faith that the Lord would fight for them. Joshua got ready to give the children of Israel their promised land.
- There are times in our lives we have to do things that are unpopular, but it is the right thing to do to please the Lord. What are some things that you have had to do that other people around you may not have agreed with but it was what the Lord wanted you to do?
Family Time:
- Through this whole chapter, we notice that it says, “and Joshua did ALL that the Lord had commanded Moses”. Why do you think this is important?
- It may have been very difficult at times to do some of the things they had to do, like killing whole cities full of people. Do you think there might have been times when Joshua or the people were tempted to not fully obey God’s commands during war?
- Do you ever struggle with obedience? Why is it important for us to obey, even if it doesn’t make sense to us?
- Remember: God’s ways are always higher than our ways. Think about how He even made the world!!! He is much wiser than we are! Let’s trust and obey Him!