Monday, January 21
Read Joshua 9
Think About It:
- To make a treaty would be a serious and binding agreement. They should have asked God for counsel first (verse 14). Can you think of a time when you made a critical decision and acted ahead of God’s timing?
- How easy it is to blame someone else for your own personal failure. In verse 22 we see this happening. Yes, the men from “a far country” did deceive the men of Israel, but they were not blameless either. Asking God’s direction is always a wise decision. Examine your own life – do you ever play the blame game?
Family Time:
- Have you ever been tricked by someone before? How did it feel afterward, when you found out the truth?
- The Bible says that Satan is a liar – the father of lies. How can we make sure we don’t listen to his lies?
- Verse 14 tells us that the leaders of Israel did not ask the Lord what they should do about the situation they were facing. What do you think would have happened if they had talked to God first?
- Remember: always seek God first – even if you think you can figure things out on your own. He is the only One who always knows the whole truth!
- Pray as a family that we would always seek the Lord first. Pray for any areas you need wisdom in!