Wednesday, January 16
Read Joshua 5
Think About It:
- Israel’s enemies’ hearts melted when they heard how the LORD dried up the Jordan until Israel crossed over (5:1). The testimony of what God has done in our life brings about the same response: fear in the hearts of God’s enemies and awe in the hearts of those who respect God. Have you ever shared your testimony and received such a response? How (and to whom) do you sense God is leading you to share some of your testimony with for His glory? It would be wise to keep an account of all the things God has done for us throughout our life for the purpose of remembering and giving Him thanks – and to keep those things fresh in our memory to give testimony of His goodness to us when the opportunity arises.
- Verse 12 says “the manna stopped the day after they ate food from Canaan and that year they ate the produce of Canaan”, proving God knows exactly what we need, when we need it. Do you believe that? Does your life demonstrate that? Consider how it would feel to fully depend on God to supply every meal you eat. Consider the difference for us in America today: How does our independence and wealth often hinder how much we trust God for all things?
- Verse 15 tells us that the commander of the LORD’s army told Joshua to remove his sandals because the ground he stood on was so holy. Think of some ways we could honor the LORD by considering the sanctuary of the church as holy and showing more respect for the area where we gather to worship God. If Jesus physically showed up in church, how would we act differently? Would we show up earlier, sing more passionately, be more attentive, pray longer? We welcome His presence there each Sunday as we pray over the service. Do our actions indicate we really expect Him to show up?
Family Time:
- Do you like to obey? Why is it hard to obey sometimes?
- In Joshua 5:1 the kings of the Amorites and the Canaanites reacted to the Israelites in fear. Why were they afraid?
- Don’t you think that this would have been a perfect time to attack? But that is not what God had planned. God works in His own time. He has something that He wants the Israelites to do before they are ready to face their enemies.
- What is the Passover? Don’t you think the Israelites would be anxious to get on with the mission of conquering Jericho? Why did they take the time to practice the Passover?
- This is the last step for Joshua and the people of Israel before they go into battle. This was an act of faith on their part to obey God. It’s hard to wait on God and do things in His timing. Do you find it hard to wait on God’s timing?