Overview of the Book of Joshua
Friday, January 11
Read Joshua 1
Think About It:
- In verses 1-8 God is very specific in what He wants Joshua to do. In verses 10-11 we see that Joshua obeyed immediately. Every born-again Christian has his or her own individual assignment from God. Have you been obedient to what God has called you to do?
- If you have been reluctant to use the spiritual gift(s) that God has given you – then hear God’s voice speaking to you as you re-read verse 9.
Family Time:
In verses 6, 7, and 9, God tells Joshua to “Be strong and of good courage”. The job that Joshua has been given is very difficult and he will need all the strength and courage he can get.
- What is the job that Joshua has been given by God? God promised Joshua and all of us that… “He will never leave us nor forsake us”, and that he will be with us wherever we go.
- Think about a time when you needed strength and courage. Discuss this with your family.
- Is there something going on in your life right now that requires you to be strong and courageous? Pray about this situation and remember… God has promised NEVER to leave you or forsake you.