Thursday, January 10
Read Deuteronomy 34
Think About It:
- Moses started out making many mistakes but ended up having an impressive legacy – he spoke with God face to face as a friend. Yet, because of an act of disobedience he was not allowed to enter the Promised Land. Still, God let him see it from the mountain top before he died. Moses laid his hands on Joshua, and Joshua was filled with the spirit of wisdom. Consider the legacy of your life – how would you like others to remember you and what influence do you have on your friends and family?
- Moses started out being “slow of speech” and ended up addressing Israel throughout the book of Deuteronomy. His excuse to God did not eliminate him from fulfilling the calling God had on his life. What excuses do you give God for not going forward with what He has asked you to do? When we trust in God’s strength instead of our own, God will overcome any weaknesses and help us do the impossible.
Family Time:
This chapter (Deuteronomy 34) describes the death of Moses. In his life Moses spoke to God face to face! He obeyed God and did His will. Even though he made mistakes and was disciplined by God, God continued to love him and speak to him. With God’s help he did things he was at first afraid to try.
- Is there something you wish you could do but are afraid to try? Could God help you to overcome your fears?
- Discuss these things together and pray about them. Trust God to give you the strength to try something new or accomplish something you think may be impossible on your own!