Saturday, December 15
Read Deuteronomy 4
Think About It:
- Why didn’t God show Himself to the people, but only spoke out of the midst of the fire? What does that say about our nature?
- How often do you think God holds back with us because we might do something sinful, become prideful, etc.? What can we do to change our reactions, so God can reveal more of Himself to us?
Family Time:
Memory Verse:
Older & Younger Children: Deuteronomy 4:9
In verse 9, the people are told to remember what they have seen and heard. They are told to tell these things to their children and grandchildren, so these things will not be forgotten.
- Do your parents and grandparents tell you things from their past that they want you to remember? How do you feel about these stories? How do you think the children of the Israelites felt when their parents and grandparents told them about the great things they had witnessed on their journeys?